Finally after 3 long years since the release of the epic and grandiose Black Holes and Revelations, Muse are back with more mahoosive tunes. In the run up to the new album titled 'Resistance,' Muse have let the track United States of Eurasia out into the blogosphere.
There's definitely more than a touch of Queen here, with Bellamy's silky smooth vocals against the opening piano backing oozing elegance right up until the very Bohemian Rhapsody guitar riff is introduced. However, I would go as far as saying it packs more of a punch than the seminal track. There's something else at work here that I can't quite put my finger on- maybe it's the chromatic Middle Eastern vibe or just the amazing musicianship, but I think this track incorporates everything that is Muse: a sense of controlled urgency that draws you in, right before hitting you around the face with a lethal dose of rock.
So to sum up- I love this track.
What do you think, Queen rip-off or a sign of good things to come from Muse's next album?
It's a been a while, I know, but I've been suffering from writing drought. That is, I've found tons of new music for you lovely people but just don't have the motivation to write anything amazing about them. Keep your eyes peeled though as I shall be letting you in on the bizarre realm of Alex Gladwell in the near future- watch this space...
For now, here's a much less annoying version of In For The Kill by the brilliantly named Fog Joggers.
It's no secret that the lead singer of La Roux's voice leaves me cold, so I much prefer this more mellow version, the husky vocals work tremendously well as does the low key vibe to the track; which is almost the perfect elevator music, don't you think?