So it's day one of the Post Glasto comedown and suffice to say I'm knackered. Miles of walking, partying in the shady depths of Shangri-La until the wee hours and seeing a whole host of acts from the likes of Snoop Dogg, Biffy Clyro and motherfucking Muse make for one long but completely awesome weekend.
In the coming days I shall be reminiscing about the musical feast that was my Glastonbury and sharing some of my favourite acts of the weekend, in an attempt to keep the spirit alive for that little bit longer.
First up is burgeoning acoustic star Grace Petrie. Miss Petrie was a staple feature of the Leftfield stage this year, having been chosen by curator Billy Bragg to take part in his muso-political lineup that also featured the likes of Beans on Toast and Frank Turner, as well as the main man Bragg himself. I managed to catch 2 of her mini sets and each time found myself glued to my seat.
What I particularly enjoyed is that there doesn't seem to be anything false about Grace. No Mockney accents, cliché lyrics or ridiculous haircuts: just good, honest folk. You can't say fairer than that really.
I love this, hope that the Glastonbury effect works its magic on her. It would be a crying shame if she faded away after such a triumph.