Another day, another songwriter. Or at least that's what it's starting to seem like lately. Maybe the lukewarm summer sun is bringing them out from the shadows or perhaps they're just spurred on by the likes of folk posterboy Frank Turner: either way it's clear that everyone and his horse wants to get in on a bit of the action. While this can only be a good thing in terms of music as a whole, it's easy for a genre of this calibre to become stagnant and bland. However, every so often you find one artist interesting enough to make up for the stream of generic folk types, and today that's in the form of Mr Ben Parcell.

With an album entitled Humble Beginnings, Ben Parcell certainly lives up to expectations. Laidback and carefree, it draws on both punk and folk influences from the likes of Green Day and Billy Bragg to create an upbeat vibe that's perfect for accompanying days spent lazing about in the sun. Parcell, a self-confessed Turner fan, has clearly taken a leaf out of his hero's book when it comes to making music both passionate and distinctive; something that songs like Close Your Eyes do very well.
While it's not going to completely alter your conception of reality and there appears to be a distinct lack of hooks, this is a record that doesn't boast anything other than what it is. A good, solid, humble beginning. Having only started making music in 2010, Parcell has clearly got a long way to go until he draws in crowds on the scale of Turner and Bragg, but it seems to me that he's definitely one to watch out for in the future. I think I'll be keeping an eye on him (in a non-stalkery capacity).