The 8 track limited edition album features some of the band's most successful tracks to date, like the dreamy pop of Austere, not dissimilar from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, (below) and the irresistible Cradle featured on many an ad for Skins. If I'm brutally honest, I think a tenner is a bit much for an 8 track LP, I know they're a newly established band but there's a recession on (apparently, anyone else miss the memo?) and it's a bit much for poor students like myself to fork out. Saying that though, you do get a lot for your money, a screenprinted record sleeve and 'goodies', whatever they may be, plus 8 well crafted and innovative tracks.
So if you have a few quid on you and feel like hearing something refreshing, you can pre-order their LP now at Pure Groove Records.
that video makes me kind of dizzy. but the song was really sweet.