I've been wanting to do a post about a certain youtubesensationturnedcomedytalent for a while now, but was worried it would lower the tone of this blog to near subterranean depths (and that's a very dark place folks). So after, well, minutes of deliberation, I thought fuck it, go on then. So here we are. Enjoy. And don't say I didn't warn you.
If you're the type who spends your working hours traipsing through videos of cute kittens and fat kids dancing on Youtube then you might have stumbled upon this fine gentleman before. He also performed a series of shows at this year's Edinburgh Festival to rave reviews. 20 year old Bo Burnham is one of the most refreshing comedy acts to emerge from America in a very long time (with maybe the exception of Rich Hall). No offense meant to my American readers of course, but it's no secret that you guys just don't get irony. Or sarcasm. Basically anything remotely resembling British humour. Burnham however seems to be the exception to the rule; he writes with an almost overbearing self awareness that lends itself to some brilliant (if at times graphic) one liners. Listening to his new album Words Words Words I can't decide whether to laugh out loud or cringe: either way it's quite an evocative and rather inspired album.
I struggle to believe Burnham is only 20, with music so versatile and lyrics drenched in world weary cynicism, you'd be forgiven in thinking he was much more experienced than a teenager who spends his free time in his bedroom with a keyboard and a camera.
Bo Burnham's new album Words Words Words is out now on iTunes and from his website here.
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