Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Day 2- Parkway Drive

Parkway Drive
Bits and pieces taken from their various albums

So after a day reliving my youth with some Maiden, I now find myself in uncharted waters. This is where I begin to crawl out of my comfort zone and into the deep dark depths of metal, and already I'm missing the safe comforts of the xylophone. Still, onwards and upwards to my next recommendation.

For a band with such a quaint and unassuming name, Parkway Drive are certainly anything but.

Parkway Drive don't seem like a band for the fainthearted. Each song is like being shoved against a wall of sound and then screamed at for 4 minutes; something that shouldn't seem all that appealing, but surprisingly, is (though maybe that's just me..). This is most definitely the yang to Maiden's yin.
Although I was expecting something perhaps more measured in terms of vocals and at times it sounds like the poor man needs a soother, overall I was left mildly impressed.

Nevertheless, I can't say they've managed to convert me to the dark side just yet. The guitarwork, while strong, just feels a bit relentless and samey at times: there's just not much in the way of dynamics (aside from loud). But then I suppose that's kind of the point. What they lack in subtlety though they make up for in atmosphere and consistency, making it the kind of metal you can dance to without necessarily killing yourself.

All in all a very interesting, if striking band. I don't think I've quite found my metal band yet, but it's a jolly good place to start.


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